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Guide on Air Source Heat Pump Temperature Settings

Views: 2447     Author: Site Editor     Publish Time: 2023-06-21      Origin: Site


If you are tired of high energy bills, consider an environment-friendly alternative for heating your surrounding: air-source heat pumps. They are innovative devices that use outside air to produce heat and make your home cozy and warm in colder seasons. Since it’s the air-to-water heat pump kind (instead of air-to-air), also if the heat pump was to be utilized for cooling, it has a minimum outlet temp and a maximum water temp that can be attained. 

The temperature range of a heat pump is an excellent factor if you need to keep your home comfy year-round. Heat pump devices transfer warm air from one place to another and can offer efficient cooling in the summer season and heating during winter.

A homeowner will need to familiarize with the standard elements of the heat pump unit, including the temp it gets ineffective. Here is a closer look:

Air Source Heat Pumps

You can use these electrical devices to transfer thermal energy from one place to another. The appliances absorb heat naturally within the outdoor air and move it into the house for heating and hot water. However, the heat pumps have a basic outside air temperature range in which you can extract heat effectively, and once temperatures are out of the range, they might not work efficiently.

The heat pumps' maximum outlet temp (for heating) and lowest outlet temperature (for cooling) are additional features. Although heat pump models and manufacturers may have different maximum and lowest temperature ranges for operating and outlet temperatures, they usually operate within a basic temperature range.

Typically, the heat pumps can function down to about -4°F (-20°C) and up to about 68°F (20°C) for outdoor air temperatures. Output temperatures for air-to-water heat pumps could be up to about 140°F (60°C) for heating and down to around 41°F (5°C) for cooling.

Understanding How Air Source Heat Pumps Work

Before you get right to the settings, it’s vital to know what makes the new heat pump unit different from other ways of housewarming you might have used. Traditional furnaces fueled by gas produce heat transferred to your home via ducts courtesy of the furnace’s blower. The heat pump device also has ducts but doesn’t periodically blast the air via the ducts. Instead, the pump constantly moves the air. 

Heat pumps devices transfer heat from outdoors and directs it into your home. They can do that only when the outside temperature is beyond freezing. Once the temperature goes below freezing, the devices use the backup element, which uses much more electricity.

Learn How to Set the Right Heat Pump Temperature

You are the only one who can determine the ideal heat pump temperature setting for your house. However, the Energy Department advises people to maintain their system around 68 degrees Fahrenheit.

The temperature must keep you comfy and allow the system to run effectively when your home is complete and family members are up. Use that as the starting point, and adjust from there following the tips below.

Set with an Accurate Temperature in Mind

To heat your homes, gas furnaces intermittently blast air via ductwork. But, since they’re not constantly pumping hot air into the house, the released hot air is often warmer than the air produced by the heat pump. 

Traditionally furnaces blast air at 120 degrees, whereas the heat pump uses air between 90-100 degrees. Note that once you set temps utilizing a heat pump, a tiny amount will go a long way since the air is continuously directed into your home. You must aim for a heat pump temp setting showing how you need to feel.

Expect Lengthier Cycles Using a Heat Pump.

Another method that can distinguish heat pumps from gas-powered devices is efficiency. Heat pump appliances are much more efficient when running the whole time. With that token, despite the setting you place the heat pump on, you may want it to operate significantly longer than the furnace’s cycle setting would.

Like choosing the new best temperature, you’ll need to go through some trial and error to know which setting suits best for your home.

You've noticed that most homeowners have turned off their heat devices to reduce their monthly costs. To make sure cost savings and high efficiency, it's recommended that you should turn off the heat pump and thermostats remain constant (or reduced by no more than 1 or 2 degrees Celsius).

When you switch off the system, the heat pump must work much harder during the colder months and consume much more electricity to return to its peak performance level.      

Make Use of the Immersion Timer

Mainly, the air source heat pump effectively heats warm water yearly. In many homes, the hot water temperature is often set to around 47°C on a cylinder thermostat. While adjusting, increasing the temperature unnecessarily boosts the running expenses.

During frosty weather, rather than running up the heating bills, heat pump homeowners must utilize the immersion timer, which one could use to ‘boost’ their water temperature: a highly cost-effective approach.  

The amount of warm water the residence needs will determine how often the immersion timer is "boosted," although twice daily is typical.

This choice is beneficial when the heat pump is under more strain, such as when extra hot water is required for home guests. If there's a lot of snow, keep the area around the heat pump free because blocked airflow will prevent the appliance from functioning correctly. 

Leave the Thermostat Alone

Householders using blast-air furnaces might spend much time finding methods to save cash with their units. A process that often implies keeping the thermostats at a shallow temperature possible to save some money. However, the technique isn’t excellent for heat-pump devices.

It takes these appliances a lengthier time to warm the home than the gas furnace-powered unit would, which means they naturally require to be on longer. Additionally, setting its temperature very low can mean kicking the backup element of the heat pump into the gear that will consume more power and not less. Again, aim for the temperature you want the home to feel and adjust.

Purchasing a smart thermostat has numerous advantages for the cooling and heating requirements. To save your utility bills, you can program your system to cool or heat your home once it's occupied.

With clever temperature plans, you can significantly increase the heat pump efficiency thanks to the increased temperature controls. You can set a timer to activate your heat pump an hour before you arrive so that you can return to a comfortably warm home. Additionally, you can program it to come on hours before everyone gets out of bed.

Also, a smart thermostat helps you control the heat pump’s operating temperature despite your location. Simply, you can use your cell phone to link to the thermostat unit for remote access and control. You can also program the smart thermostat to adjust the temperature settings per the outside weather automatically.

Guidelines for Keeping the Ideal Heat Pump Temperature Range

Here are some pointers for keeping your heat pump operating at peak efficiency all year round:

Check the Heat Pump

Regular monitoring is the first step in preserving an ideal heat pump temperature range. It entails looking for any indications of deterioration, such as cracks or leaks. It's also crucial to look for obstacles or blockages that can impede the system's airflow from flowing freely.

Pristine Filters Regularly  

Dirty filters make your system less efficient and increase energy use. You should clean or change the filters every three months (or more frequently if necessary) to maintain your system's efficiency.

Adjust Temperature Settings

Adjusting temperature settings based on the weather conditions and season outside is essential. Once temperatures are above average in summer, set the thermostat relatively lower than usual so your device doesn’t have to work too hard.

Once temperatures drop below freezing point during winter, increase it slightly above the room temperature so it stays warm without overworking the unit.

Insulate Your Household well.

Bad insulation results in significant heat energy losses and causes a rise in power bills. It’s a result of inefficient heating units. The heat pumps are challenging to keep up with the need for hot air outdoors and indoor temperatures in cold seasons. The heating mode is significantly affected. Use expert help to reach long-term positive results.

Take Away

Most homeowners need help to regulate their heat pumps' thermostats during some months properly. High-temperature settings use more energy, so paying attention to your thermostat's set points is critical when you want to keep your energy costs low. Heat pumps may become ineffective when the temperature is set too low.

The ideal temperature settings typically become apparent with time, but the suggested ranges are an excellent place to start. The recommended temperature range settings for your heat pump throughout the seasons to meet your heating demands without incurring high utility expenditures are detailed in the guide above.

Last but not least, arrange expert maintenance work at least twice a year (or more!). At SPRSUN, they employ cutting-edge methods and equipment to guarantee that your heat pump operates as effectively as feasible. It entails assessing the electrical system, checking for wear and tear, and, if necessary, topping off the refrigerant levels.

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