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How Long Does It Take to Heat Pool Water with a Heat Pump?

Views: 6637     Author: Site Editor     Publish Time: 2021-10-11      Origin: Site

The amount of time it takes to heat up a swimming pool with a heat pump depends on a few factors. If it's a smaller swimming pool such as a spa pool, it takes around 45 and 60 minutes. But generally, it heats a pool after about 24 to 72 hours at 20-degrees Fahrenheit. However, it's a critical question that helps people to know the size of a pool heater to buy and the time they need in advance to switch on the heat pump to warm the pool enough. 


So, besides cooling and warming homes and buildings, a heat pump can as well heat your pool. When you warm a pool, you tend to extend your hours of exercise and fun in your backyard pool. But, how long does it take to warm it and have a comfortable water temperature?


So, pool owners should familiarize themselves with the heater run times. Let's delve into the factors determining how long it takes to heat the water with a heat pump. 


Factors that affect the pool water heating time with a heat pump.

A couple of things act as determinants on the amount of heat pump run time needed. To start with, if you are looking to heat your pool, there are things to take into account, for instance, pool cover, swimming pool and heat pump size, surroundings, dimensions, weather, and the water volume to get the desired temperatures. 


Keep in mind that the heat pump gets heat from the air instead of generating its own; therefore, the run time and operation depend on weather surroundings and conditions. With that in mind, it's hard to set a heat pump run time for all pool heaters.


Climate and geography

As earlier mentioned, heat pumps are special devices because they barely generate their heat. It pulls air from the surrounding air and uses it to warm the water. For pool owners living in colder areas, they should know that that environment presents a challenge. Heat pumps will work well with temperatures above 50 degrees Fahrenheit, so, below that, the heat pump will not be efficient. 


For this reason, you need to run the heater for a longer time to warm the pool accordingly. As a result, it's critically essential to consider the climate in your location, particularly during cooler seasons, before you buy a heat pump. 


Pool covers

There are pool owners who use covers to conserve energy. It's a great way to prevent evaporation, which is the biggest source of heat loss, 75 % of most pools are affected by that. So, the covers will retain the heat by minimizing the rate of evaporation as it acts as a barrier between the pool and the air. Also, you get to reduce the heating costs and the needed heat time.


In some instances, you could manage to heat the water with a small-sized pool heat pump if you make good use of a pool cover. Leaving the pool uncovered loses heat very fast, so you tend to experience a slower heat gain than a covered pool. While at it, ensure to get a great quality cover that can help retain up to 75% of your pool's heat loss.


Heat pump size

The size of a heat pump is based on British Thermal Units (BTU) per hour. One unit of BTU will raise a pound of pool water by 0.6°C, and a gallon of water is the same as 8.34 pounds of water.


Therefore, 8.34 BTUs will warm a gallon of water by 1°F (0.6°C). Some consumers buy underpowered pumps to save money, but note that underpowered units will make you break a bank. They tend to have high operating costs, and you might need more run time to warm the pool. The longer the running time, the less the efficiency. It means you should buy a gas heater instead. 


So, the heat pump has a huge effect on the heat run time. So, the higher the units, the lower the heat pump run time since it creates more heating energy.


Water temperature

The initial pool water temperature plays an important role in calculating the heat pump run time. But if the pool has been comfortably sitting in a warmer season at about 70 degrees Fahrenheit, it would not take a long time to rise to 80 degrees.

Therefore, note that the bigger the difference between the starting and desired temperatures, the more time you will require to run the heat pump. 


Those uncovering their swimming pools from a cooler season are most likely to be on a frigid side. It means that it will take longer to get the pool water to a comfortable temperature and enjoy a pool bath. 


Pool size

It's a type of a no-brainer, but some will overlook it, so it's another aspect to remember. Generally, the bigger the water body, the longer it takes for the heat pump run time to get to the desired pool temperatures. 

With a huge pool size, you will require a more powerful heat pump to warm the pool quickly; otherwise, a smaller version will take a longer time and might not be efficient in such a case. But with a small pool size, the small heat pump will do the task comfortably. However, note that the current temperatures play a big role as well. 


Final word

So, the question on, how long does it take to heat pool water with a heat pump? Is among the questions that most people always wanted to know, and with this guide, you are now able to tell the heat pump run time depending on the factors given in this guide. But, keep in mind that the conditions surrounding every swimming pool are unique when it comes to the heat pump run time.

Though these factors will affect the time it takes to heat, you need to ensure that the pool and the heater are hypnosis in good condition. So, be sure to schedule yearly service calls to have them in tip-top shape; it will save you plenty of time and money in the long run. 

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