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Are Air Source Heat Pumps Good For You?

Views: 169     Author: Site Editor     Publish Time: 2021-03-10      Origin: Site

An Overview of Air Source Heat Pumps

Air source heat pumps are an energy-efficient, green and sustainable option for heating your home. These unique systems are low-maintenance and ideal for many different types of homes. While it is true that not every home is a good candidate for air source heat pumps, most are. One of the most attractive and alluring features of air source heat pumps is their ability to cut your heating costs dramatically. Let's get into some of the basics surrounding these innovative systems and how they can benefit you in your day-to-day life.


When answering the question "Are air source heat pumps good?" it is important to understand how they work. Air from the outside of your home is taken into the unit and converted into heat. By drawing in air from the outside of your home, heating it up and then distributing it, the pump remains an efficient and convenient option for heating your home during the winter months. In fact, air source heat pumps can be beneficial in the summer as well.

are air source heat pumps good for you


There are two main types of heat pumps. They are known as air to water & air to air. In the case of air to water, air from the outside is transferred and pushed through a hot water reserve tank with the use of a heat exchanger. After this, the heated water is transferred to showers, faucets and even radiators. In some multifunction air to water heat pumps, heat can be transferred to heat or cool your room. Air to air heat pumps works like air conditioner systems. They are great for space heating. Air to air heat pumps also transfer the heat from the outside air. While in an air to water heat pump, the heat is emitted through radiators or underfloor heating, with air to air, hot air is distributed directly from the pump. Another difference is: air to water can be used for hot water heating, house heating and cooling, while air to air only provides heating and cooling.


Air source is a brand new way to redesign your home's energy use and heat your home with a sustainable method. Due to the fact that air source heat pumps are low carbon, they are ideal for families looking to lower their carbon footprint. Even though these units do use some electricity to run, the energy output is much more significant than the minimal amounts of electricity needed.


Advantages & Disadvantages

This unique renewable energy source comes with its share of advantages and disadvantages. While cutting costs on gas and electricity is important, there are also other factors to consider before installing an air source heat pump. Many governments, such as the UK, have provided an incentive to install these pumps. Many nations plan to reach Net Zero by the year 2050 and air source heat pumps are a great way to get there. Let's take a look at some of the most common advantages and disadvantages which should be evaluated before making your final decision.



-They produce a low carbon footprint.

-They are versatile and multi-use. This means they are ideal for heating and cooling.

-They are easily used for hot water heating and space heating purposes.

-They will help you save money on your energy bills.

-Their maintenance is low and hassle-free.

-They have the ability to work, even when temperatures outside are low.

-They do not require any fuel storage to run.

-They are entitled to RHI, also known as the Renewable Heat Incentive.

-They are built to last and have long life cycles.

-The process of installation is simple and easy.

-They have the ability to be powered and backed up by solar energy or wind energy.



-They do not supply as much heat as a broiler.

-Your home must have good and reliable insulation prior to installation.

-Temperatures below 0°C; cause the air source heat pump to be less efficient.

-They require extra funds to install an underfloor heating system.

-They can be loud and noisy to run.


Factors to Keep in Mind

While air source heat pumps can provide great advantages, it is important to take into consideration certain aspects such as where your home is located, the type of property you have, your budget and the type of heating/cooling system you have presently.



Depending on where your home is located, air source heat pumps may or may not be suitable. While it is true they can work well below freezing, there are some locations that are too cold to use the pump. Also, a new pump is better able to withstand cold temperatures. Homes located in cold climates should double-check the type of pump they plan to install and verify that it can work efficiently, even with very low temperatures. In the event a homeowner wants to keep their existing furnace as a backup, they can do so.


Type of Property

If your property is well-insulted, the pump will work better. There are multiple options to make your home better protected such as adding sealing, insulating walls and adding thermostats that can be programmed. If your home has areas that are always cooler or warmer than the rest of the home, an air source pump is a great option. Each room's temperature can be controlled individually.



These systems are great for long-term savings, however, the upfront cost may be more. The typical cost to install an air source heat pump is anywhere from $2,000 to $8,000. Most homes need one or two units, depending on the heating capacity of the heat pump, heating area, population and other factors.


Existing Systems

If your existing heating/cooling system is old, worn-out and expensive to run, an air source heat pump may be the answer. They can save anywhere from $300 to $948 annually in energy savings.


Air Source Heat Pumps vs. Ground Source Heat Pumps: Which Is Better?

Air source pumps will absorb heat from the air. Alternatively, ground source pumps will absorb heat from the ground. Both of these methods are innovative, however, they should be compared for the best decision possible. A ground source has a higher upfront cost, yet they are typically more efficient. Although air source heat pumps are a good option and will work in temperatures as low as -25°C, they will not be as productive.

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