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Inverter Heat Pumps in 2023: What, How, and Why?

Views: 302     Author: Site Editor     Publish Time: 2023-01-06      Origin: Site

No matter where you live in-, you will agree that inverter heat pumps are the most efficient and cheapest way to cool your house. They are also safe for the environment. Because they don't operate on fossil fuels, homeowners can use them to reduce their carbon footprint.

Inverter heat pumps replace home heating systems like boilers, furnaces, and traditional air conditioners or HVAC systems. Besides, the criterion of functionality integrated into these pumps makes them 2 or 3 times more efficient.

But how do they operate, and why do you need an inverter heat pump in your home? Read on for a comprehensive insight into everything you need to know about inverter heat pumps.

Let's delve in!

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What is an inverter heat pump?

They are home appliances that function like two-way air conditioners. They can provide heat during the cold season and cool your home in the hot summer. Thanks to heat pumps, you don't have to buy separate home heating systems and air conditioners.

One of the best features of heat pumps is that they are more energy efficient than traditional HVAC systems. According to recent research, homeowners can save up to $667 annually by integrating heat pumps.

How Do Heat Pumps Work?

At this point, you might have questions: how can a single machine replace a furnace and an air conditioner?

Heat pumps are electric and function by moving heat from one area to another. During the hot season, it uses an evaporator to absorb heat through a refrigerant that takes it to the outside unit, and the condenser pumps it outside.

A heat pump works by moving heat energy around.It distributes heat from the outside of your house to the inside throughout the winter. The latest versions of heat pumps are specially designed with heat pump inverter system technology that helps improve the heat pump's overall efficiency.

Inverter Technology Explained

When certain temperatures are attained, the AC turns on and off in a normal air conditioner. For instance, when cooling your home, the AC will turn on for some time and turn off when it matches the temperature outside the room.

The functionality also applies to heat pumps and heaters. The downside of the old technology is that it is not efficient.

It is like driving a car that will only switch between 0 % and 100 % acceleration. You will probably end up in a ditch with no in-between ability to limit your speed. Inverter heat pump technology features an inverter driven heat pump variable speed compressor that allows the heat pump to switch between 0 and 100 %.  

Additionally, unlike traditional air conditioners, an inverter heat pump automatically analyzes the temperatures inside your home and adjusts to maximize comfort and efficiency. Its ability to control the energy input makes them the ideal energy-efficient home appliance.

What are the Benefits of Using Heat Pump Inverter Technology?

The main benefit of heat pump inverter technology with heat pumps is that you can limit and regulate performance even at full power. Its fan and compressor can operate at different motor speeds and output power to suit the user's comfort.

The other benefits you enjoy from heat pump inverter technology include the following:

  • Increased lifespan - The soft start and efficient mode of operation significantly contribute to prolonging the lifespan of inverter heat pumps.

  • Lower noise levels - Inverter heat pumps are super silent. You might not even know they are on until you get very close.

  • Better COP (Coefficient of Performance) - The technology integrated into inverter heat pumps makes it easy to achieve higher COPs. Approximately 7 (15°C air and 26°C water) COP can be achieved. Technically, it implies that with a COP of 7, the output is seven times greater than the normal electric energy. The greater the COP, the better and more efficient the inverter heat pump will be.

  • Peace of mind- A device that operates independently not only makes its operation easier but also provides you with the desired peace of mind.

Note that although inverter heat pumps are expensive, they can provide many benefits, including saving you considerable money.

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What are the Best Brands of Heat Pumps?

Heat pumps can be quite an expensive investment. As a result, you must ensure that you get the best quality and durable option. It is recommended to go for a brand with a good reputation. SPRSUN has been a specialist in designing and manufacturing heat pumps since 1999. Their products include air source heat pumps, inverter heat pumps, heat pump water heaters, cold climate heat pumps, etc. Contact SPRSUN for professional support on installing a heat pump.

Whichever brand you pick, the heat pump will have more to do with the contractor than your preference. They will likely be responsible for sourcing and installing the parts, making them the best professionals to source information. Ensure you hire a contractor that is familiar with inverter heat pumps. Some models are better than others in certain geographical locations.

One of the best things about getting a professional contractor that is familiar with your product is that they will ensure you get optimum performance. Most manufacturers train contractors through a dealer program to help promote their products.      

Ideally, getting a good contractor is to utilize their expertise to help you get the best brand in the market. It is possible to fall in love with a particular brand and find out later that no one in your area can install or service it.

Can Inverter Heat Pump System Work with Existing HVAC Ducts?

The technology incorporated in inverter driven heat pumps allows them to work with your existing duct system. You might not even need ducts working with air-source heat pumps. Several brands are available in ductless mini-splits. All you need to get is a professional contractor to help you install the inverter HVAC in different positions in your home and use the existing ducts.

Typically, the new technology in the pump inverter allows it to be versatile with retrofits into existing ducts. They can also work with hybrid ducted and ductless systems using a simple processor outside the house. Different brands have unique designs; therefore, your contractor should understand the brand to install it with your existing ducts.

Are There Portable or Temporary Heat Pumps?

Yes, there is an array of portable heat inverters in the market. Although permanent heat installation pumps are the most recommended option for a long-term investment, a portable option can come in handy when moving. If, for instance, you live in a historic district or a condo with complicated renovation rules, you will need a heat pump inverter with more flexibility.

Some buildings have complicated renovation rules, and it can be easy for your energy usage to fall outside your required consumption level. The price of permanent heat pumps might also be a bit steep for you, making temporary or portable heat pumps the best option.    

Notably, like traditional air conditioners, temporary setups work best with a comfortable temperature of 40-60 degrees. They might not be the best option if you live in areas with temperatures of less than 40 degrees or more than 60 degrees.

How to Find the Ideal Contractor to Install Your Inverter HVAC

You might be surprised to discover that the contractor you hire could be more important to your overall investment than the heat pump itself. Even so, getting a good contractor isn't simple as it sounds. There are several factors you need to put into consideration. Here are some of these factors:

Know Where to Start

Most heap pump customers don't know what they are looking for when installing an inverter heat pump system. Familiarize yourself with inverter heat pump systems and how they operate ahead of time to help you get a contractor who can install your system according to your requirements.

Search for Recommended Dealers

Research the best brands in the market that fit your desired budget allocation. You can also contact the manufacturer to inquire if they can provide you with a contractor. Some brands offer installation services for free or for a small fee.

Ask for Recommendations

This is perhaps the best way to get a professional contractor. You can use social media or other social forums to get recommendations. You can also get recommendations from satisfied customers in the feedback sections. They will provide an honest opinion on their working experience with the contractor.

Consider What You are Getting Out of the Deal

When dealing with an expensive investment, looking at what you are getting from the full package is important. Look for a deal that will offer additional maintenance services. Ensure they also provide written documentation before sealing the deal.

Final Thoughts

The topic of inverter heat pump has been around for quite some time, with most homeowners stranded on the best option. One thing that stands out about an inverter driven heat pump is that you enjoy maximum comfort and efficiency and save considerable money.

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