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What Is Heat Pump Heating? Is It Expensive?

Views: 236     Author: Site Editor     Publish Time: 2021-09-06      Origin: Site

Recently, heat pumps are increasingly gaining popularity. They offer a great energy source to offices and homes to ensure you have a comfortable lifestyle despite the climate changes. Therefore, for homeowners looking for cooling and heating devices, heat pumps are a great energy solution. They are cost-effective, versatile, and green technology. 

As per the heating season, the heat pump moves heat from outdoors into the house, while during the cooling season, heat is transferred from your home to the warm outdoors. The pumps will move and not generate heat; therefore, the air heats and cools at a significantly reduced cost than systems like furnaces.

Though most people have long overlooked heat pumps in the heating world, they attract some interest from consumers and companies. The momentum is building to reduce the consumption of fossil fuels.

With the furnaces using natural gas, the heat pump does not emit carbon dioxide; however, the electricity they use could involve carbon emissions. But with the latest innovation in technology, the heat pumps have considerably improved over the last years. It's now a viable option if compared to traditional heat pumps. 



What is heat pump heating?

As earlier mentioned, a heat pump works by transferring heat from outside to inside your home and vice versa. It works like an air conditioning system, but the main difference is that the pump does more to ensure your home is comfortable throughout the year.  

Despite the cold weather outside, there is some warm air available. Your heat pump is capable of moving the warm air where it's required. During winter, it extracts some warm air from the outside. On the flip side, during summer, heat extraction is done in a reverse way; the device takes the inside heat and moves it to the outside for cooling effect. It leaves the air in your house cooler while the outside is warmer.  

People might think that a heat pump is expensive, but that's not the case. It all depends on your house, climate, location, and much more. You can use very little energy to heat and cool your home and still feel comfortable all around the year. During season changes, you only have to make a few adjustments for preparation. 

Heat pumps save you a lot of money since they're more efficient than other types of heating systems. With that, there is no need to install heating and cooling systems separately. You just use that one incredible device in every season. 


Here are some of the determinants in regards to heat pump expenses:

Running Costs

Some heat pumps will use natural gas while others use electricity. In this case, the running cost differs. The electric ones are more affordable to run than those based on the combustion method. Keep in mind that the more energy-efficient a system is, the bigger its long-term energy savings. 

Heat pumps offer significant savings over traditional furnaces due to the low running expenses. 


Installation cost

Heat pump installation prices can be high, especially for the whole system. However, these prices depend on the type of heating system that you have. Again, the entire installation cost of these systems heavily depends on your latest system backup and home compatibility.

For example, some homes have no access to natural gas and make a furnace, and air conditioning units can be expensive. Also, houses with no natural gas lines may not have access to natural gas, making an air conditioner and furnace installation a more expensive alternative to a heat pump system.  

For you to avoid additional costs, it's recommendable to consult a professional. They are a perfect resource to help determine the best system that suits your home and further explain the installation costs. 

As you purchase a heat pump, note that the cost depends on the brand name, energy-efficient ratings, your home size, and the type of heat pump you intend to install. Keep in mind that the installation labor cost varies with the type of pump you want to install. 


Energy savings

Under the right conditions, an electric heat pump moves about 300% more energy than it uses. In contrast, a highly efficient gas furnace is 95% efficient. Mostly, the heat pumps operate on electricity; therefore, you can substantially save on electricity. 

A highly efficient heat pump is beneficial since it translates into a significant energy consumption reduction. Remember that factors such as the type and size of your heat pump, local climate, the efficiency of the current system, and your control strategy are determinants of how much energy you will save.

Some online calculators are used to give a quick estimate of energy savings that you should expect for a given application. 


Maintenance and lifespan

Mostly the gas heat pumps are more durable than the electric ones. Commonly a heat pump, just like the air conditioning system, has a lifespan of 15 years. If you properly maintain a furnace, it could last for more than 20 years. 

It is so because the furnace heating elements are used for a few months every year, thus fewer maintenance requirements than the heat pump. Also, the furnace has very few mechanical parts, so that the device will experience very few breakages. 


Take away

Note that the heating system technology was discovered decades ago and has gained traction since the 1980s, and now that you know what heat pump heating is and the expenses you could incur, it's time to decide on the type of heating system that is best for your needs. Installing the heat pump at your home will provide multiple benefits both in the winter and summer seasons. It improves your home's energy footprint. 

When choosing the heat pump to purchase, you should consider several factors that will help you save energy bills. It would be best to choose a furnace because an expert said so, look at the above-outlined expenses and consider your priorities. Is it the low energy expenses? 

Ecosystem-friendly heat sources? Or using low temperatures to heat your home? Make sure to get a great fit that will satisfy your needs.

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